In 1994, the Eurovision held in Ireland featured "River Dance" in the show. A few years later, the Irish dance culture in Finland was born. This is the story how it all began.


The film
A documentary film about the history of Irish dance culture in Finland recounted by two Finnish dancers, Ilkka and Essi, who have played a significant role in its development.
"When I saw that beautiful line of people dancing,
I fell in love with it."
Essi Lahtinen-Carranza is a Finnish dancer and choreographer who has won several Irish dance competitions and among the faithful promoters of Irish dance in Finland.
Irish dance is a growing culture in Finland.

"When I first saw it, I heard rhythm.
It's all about the rhythm for me."
Ilkka Kuosmanen is a Finnish pioneer of Irish dance, who has won several important awards in Ireland, and so far, the only Finnish dancer who was invited
and took part of a River dance show.